9 classic signs of an emotionally immature adult, according to psychology

9 classic signs of an emotionally immature adult, according to psychology

Emotional immaturity. you may have confused this phrase when describing someone’s erratic or impulsive behavior. But it’s more than just a label for a man who can’t seem to grow up. It is about individuals who struggle to manage their emotional responses and understand the feelings of others. According to psychology, an emotionally immature adult … Read more

7 phrases emotionally immature people use without realizing how they come across

7 phrases emotionally immature people use without realizing how they come across

There is a huge gap between being emotionally mature and being immature, and it shows in the way we talk. Emotional immaturity can often be manifested in the words we use without realizing the effect they have on others. The problem is that these expressions can inadvertently damage our relationships and reputations. In this article, … Read more